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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Article Marketing Success and Killer Headlines

Creating a compelling (killer) headline for your article usually determines the success of the article. Was it read, or was it ignored? Once your reader decides to read your article, is it interesting enough to keep their attention?

Some say that article marketing is dead, at least in the SEO world, that is. To those people, I would advise them to examine what it is that makes a website popular. It’s great content. It’s shareable content. Creating an article that is worth reading requires at least two ingredients. A killer (compelling) headline is what draws the reader to your article. The great content is what keeps them there.

Typically, your article will contain a link or two that will take your reader to another web page or to an offer, assuming of course that the article is “good enough” to entice the reader into action. In the end, your desired goal is to drive more traffic to your website or to have your reader follow your offer all the way to the order page. Article marketing, when implemented correctly, can help accomplish this for you. This article is going to give you some basic steps to follow to get you started in the right direction with article marketing. The remaining part, the money part, is left up to you. Why? That’s because once you know the basics, your creativity, drive, enthusiasm and confidence will take you the rest of the way. Included at the end is a little advice on creating killer headlines. The ones that make your reader’s eyes stay on the page and read the article! After all, isn’t that what you want?

If you like to write and you have a website, article marketing is a great way to get visitors flocking to your site over time. As you no doubt already know, no visitors means no money and wasted effort. So, just how do you get searchers to click over to your site? Besides the creativity that you bring to your site, it’s all about content. No, great content. The kind of content that only you can provide. Content that has your personal touch and is written for your readers first, the engines second. Today’s most successful sites have one thing in common. They are popular. How did they get that way? By word of mouth, of course. More likely, though, through social media. That is how it happens today, compared to years ago. That said, my suggestion is that in addition to writing your articles, keep looking for avenues in which to publish your articles.


Don’t limit publishing your work to just one directory. A particular directory might be popular, but learn to multiply your chances for great rankings by submitting to many directories. There is one thing to remember, however. Don’t submit the same article to all of the directories on your list. Instead, rewrite each one to make it unique from the original, including the title. A word of caution is never, ever, spin your articles. Spun articles are usually junk and it’s doubtful that you want your work to be regarded as such. To avoid this, take the time to rewrite only the articles you own and make them unique to each other, while keeping to the same topic. By doing this, you can be confident that when a reader sees your article, they will be reading a good piece of your work that you are proud of.


Yes, you can optimize your site using advanced SEO techniques, but keep in mind that SEO is more for long term traffic growth to your website. Of course, this is good. However, the SEO game changes frequently and as long as you stay current with the changes, your site will definitely benefit. Your main concentration still needs to be on great content. If you’re new with article marketing, concentrate your efforts on writing great, interesting content first. In the short term, this will prove to be much more valuable compared to all of the SEO techniques combined.


To touch again on why social media is so important, the popularity of your site will determine how much traffic it gets. One SEO tactic is the use of Twitter to get your name “out there," so to speak. Twitter is the perfect media platform to use because as you get more followers, your site’s popularity will grow. Your site will earn more traffic, and the search engines will begin to reward your website with higher rankings. This happens like the proverbial snowball rolling down a hill that gets bigger and bigger as the momentum grows.


If you’re new at article marketing, or you need a refresher, here are some basic tips to get you started in the right direction.

    Determine what you are best at. I think it';s best if you can write about what you know and in a way that';s interesting and helpful. This way, you will eventually be regarded as an expert in your field and people will be interested in what you have to say. People buy from people they trust!

    Research keywords in your niche. A niche is an area within a broader subject that is popular and may be little known, or not heavily searched on. For example, in the weight loss niche, "How to lose belly fat," is a niche.

    Make sure to use keywords as best you can within the title of the article. This is good for SEO. Also, you should end up with a keyword density of approximately 1-2% of the total word count of your article. Any more than this and you might be tagged for keyword spamming. That is, jamming your articles with too many keywords just to get listed higher in the search engine results pages (SERPS) for those keywords. If this happens, say good-bye to rankings! As I said, just keep the density to 1-2% and you should be fine.

    If you are serious about article marketing, and especially if you’re new, be sure to keep your writing consistent. Two articles a day, five days a week is a good goal to shoot for. You will find that your first articles take longer (much longer) than you originally thought. However, as you write more and become more proficient, that time will be drastically shorter - in the range of one or two articles per hour.

    After you have written your masterpiece, the next step is to submit it to your favorite directory. Perhaps the most important tip I can give you is be consistent and write every day.


As I mentioned, your headline will draw your reader in to your article with a burning desire to get their problem solved, or their question answered, or maybe it won’t. Here’s how to beat the odds.

    Swipe Files - Remember that one article that you just had to read? The one you couldn’t put down? Do you remember the headline? If you do great, write it down and save it. Or, look up the article again to find the headline. Odds are the headline is compelling. Write it down and keep it your new swipe file. As your file gets larger, you will have a nice collection of the most compelling headlines that you can use in the future. You can learn something from them, too. This brings me to my next thought:

  “How To” headlines almost always get attention. Why? People usually read to find information. Specifically, they’re looking for a solution to a problem. If your headline addresses a problem they have, it’s likely they will read your article.

    Address a problem, followed by a time component telling your reader how soon their problem will be solved. For example, “Lose Your Belly Fat (the problem) In 30 days” (when they will lose their belly fat). Compelling, yes?

    Spend the time necessary to create your best headline. Yes, it’s that important.

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